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Products & Services
Digitalization Process Industry
We show you how the process industry can discover and unleash its greatest digital potential. Become digitally ready now!
How to avoid recalls
We provide you with 5 tips that the process industry can use to avoid recalls and ensure traceability!
Whitepaper YAVEON ProE-SCM
In the ProE-SCM whitepaper you will learn how you can easily fulfill even complex packing structures and much more!
Whitepaper ERP Biotechnology
Why an industry solution? What are the most important biotechnology functions? Download our whitepaper to find out.
Whitepaper ERP Pharmaceuticals
Why an industry solution? What are the most important functions for the pharmaceutical industry? Download our whitepaper to find out.
Whitepaper ERP Cosmetics
Why an industry solution? What are the most important functions for cosmetics companies? Find out more in our whitepaper. Download it now.
Whitepaper ERP Food
Why an industry solution? What are the most important functions for the food industry? You will find the answers in our whitepaper. Download it now.
Whitepaper ERP Chemicals
Why an industry solution? What are the most important functions for the chemical industry? Read our whitepaper to find out more. Download it now.
Whitepaper ERP Medical Technology
Why an industry solution? What are the most important medical technology functions? Download our whitepaper to find out more.
Whitepaper YAVEON and Chemdox
Read how YAVEON and CHEMDOX can make your hazardous substance management safe.
Whitepaper Microsoft Power BI
Find out for whom Microsoft Power BI is the right choice.
Whitepaper Data Warehouse
Find out what a Data Warehouse is and how a Data Warehouse project proceeds.
Whitepaper YAVEON ProBatch
Receive more in-depth information on the industry solution YAVEON ProBatch.