Easy tracking & recipe calculation
at Sero
Read how SERO manages batches, uses tracking, calculates recipies, saves time and has an overview over the entire production.

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YAVEON PROBATCH: Control processes and save time
SERO AS | www.sero.no
High quality control sera
Company Size
59 Employees
Operating Model

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Which benefits does the YAVEON solution offer?
Visible results
- Outdatet ERP system
- Map production routines
- Maintain strict requirements
- Control over processes and ingredients
- Microsoft Dynamics NAV with YAVEON ProBatch
- Batch management
- Tracking and recipe calculation
- Production overview
- Time savings
- Detailed logging
Automate lab processes
Down to the last detail
A pioneer in medical biochemistry: The Norwegian company SERO has been specifying blood for more than 50 years and producing independent control sera. With these comparative materials, clinics can reliably analyze substances and patients can be treated better than ever.
The pharmaceutical company is subject to strict regulations and has particularly high demands for an ERP system. SERO found the right software in Microsoft Dynamics NAV and the YAVEON industry solution YAVEON ProBatch. Through the Norwegian YAVEON sales partner Pilaro, the specialist for control sera introduced the new system within one year.
SERO´s challenge to a new ERP system
- Replace outdated ERP system with a new solution that is easy to use
- Map advanced production routines
- Maintain strict traceability and documentation requirements
- Maintain full control over processes and ingredients in the system
- Map processes in detail
These key features are offered from Microsoft Dynamics NAV and YAVEON ProBatch
- Batch management
- Tracking function
- Recipe calculation
- Very good production overview
- Validability
- Detailed logging of processes
- Electronic signature
Save time and log processes with our solution
YAVEON ProBatch adds industry-relevant features to Microsoft Dynamics NAV. The new ERP system, combined with the industry solution, makes it easier for SERO to keep an eye on its processes: “With the new software and electronic signatures, we save a lot of time and can log our processes in great detail – that’s exactly what we wanted,” says Knut Erik Eldjarn, IT project manager at SERO. He is satisfied with the course of the project: “The work with Pilaro was great. The consultants have the necessary know-how and understood what we needed. Nobody wanted to sell us superfluous functions.”
Successful cooperation between Pilaro and YAVEON
Richard Larsen, General Manager of Pilaro, also draws a positive conclusion: “It was exciting to support SERO with a new ERP system. In the project, we were able to expand our cooperation with YAVEON and get to know the industry solution even better.”
The General Manager is convinced that YAVEON ProBatch is also the right choice for many other Norwegian companies. “It meets the stringent requirements for accuracy, traceability and documentation.”
It was exciting to support SERO with a new ERP system. In the project, we were able to expand our cooperation with YAVEON and get to know the industry solution even better.
Richard Larsen, CEO Pilaro
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